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Home » Shop » Trees » Nut » Walnut » Nut - ENGLISH WALNUT 100-180cm (3-6') On Own Root

Nut - ENGLISH WALNUT 100-180cm (3-6') On Own Root


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(Juglans regia carpathian)
A close relative of Black Walnut, the English Walnut is known by a number of other names including Carpathian and Persian. They do, in fact, originate in ancient Persia, but most seedlings were brought to North America by early settlers from Germany and Eastern Europe. When fully dormant, English Walnuts are just as cold hardy as Black Walnuts and have survived -40°, however they are more susceptible to fluctuating temperatures and late spring frosts. Many people do prefer the high quality English nuts with their thin shells and milder but full bodied flavour. Mature height is 15-18m (50-60').
As with Butternuts and Black Walnuts we recommend planting two seedlings for pollination, however, they are partially self-fertile. Some cross pollination may also occur amongst the various juglans species.


Product Overview
Juglans Family (Walnuts) The Black Walnut Neighbourhood As some of you already know, many plants simply do not grow well when planted close to a walnut tree. The roots of both the black and English walnut as well as the butternut give off a toxic substance known as juglone which eliminates their competition. It will kill most evergreens, as well as some fruit trees and a number of vegetables. Most grasses seem not to mind, and some plants actually seem to thrive. The following is a short list of some of the best neighbors for a walnut tree: Black raspberries, Grapes, Rugosa roses, High bush cranberries, Black locust, Goumi, Persimmons, Paw paws, Mulberries, Currants, Elderberries, Sweet corn, Beans & Onions. Some of the poorest choices include: Apples, Pears, Blackberries, Tomatoes & Alfalfa. Bareroot trees