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Home » Shop » Shrubs and Plants » Cherry - Shrub & Nanking » Shrub Cherry : CUPID 30-60cm (12-24") plant
Photo courtesy of University of Saskatchewan

Shrub Cherry : CUPID 30-60cm (12-24") plant


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These ultra cold hard shrub cherry varieties – developed at the University of Saskatchewan, and released as the ROMANCE SERIES, have made commercial cherry production possible far north of normal fruit growing regions. Even in sweet cherry country, producers are being won over by the fruit size, quality and yield potential of these newcomers. The dark flesh is high in antioxidants as well as sugar levels. Although obviously well-suited for processing, if allowed to fully ripen, the flavour is closer to a sweet cherry than a sour cherry, which makes pleasurable fresh eating. Mature shrubs are only 2-2.5m (6-8') tall and wide which simplifies picking or covering with bird netting.

Cupid has the largest fruit of the Romance Series- firm, milder-flavoured, meaty cherries are almost the size of a quarter. Very productive, slightly later-blooming shrub has little suckering. This local favourite, makes a perfect U-pick bush.


Product Overview
Shrub Cherries (Prunus cerasus x Prunus fruiticosa) Compact and coldhardy shrubs have made commercial cherry production possible far north of normal fruit growing regions. These tough plants are on their own root, so there is no graft to protect. Bareroot plants