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Home » Shop » Trees » Apricot » Apricot : PRECIOUS Semi-Dwarf (Mustang) (Orchard Grade)
Photo 1 by Whiffletree, Photo 2 courtesy of Nutcracker Nursery

Apricot : PRECIOUS Semi-Dwarf (Mustang) (Orchard Grade)


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An 'orchard grade' is a tree that may be somewhat shorter, slightly crooked, or a bit scratched, or for some other reason is not a perfect front lawn specimen. These trees will work just as well in an orchard as a first or number one would, since they still produce the very same fruit.

An exceptional, but very uncommon variety, it originates from an old tree discovered just south of Georgian Bay. Back around 1900 the Fruit Growers Association brought over some hardy apricot seedlings from Russia. This tree is suspected of being one of them. Small to medium sized fruit has thick yellow-orange skin, sweet melting flesh and an edible almond-like kernel in the pit. It is relatively late blooming, quite disease resistant and handles late frosts unusually well. A dependable producer in Quebec and the New England states.


Product Overview
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) Homegrown, tree-ripened apricots are healthy, delicious eating- fresh, canned or dried. Apricot trees are notorious for waking up too early in the spring, and then getting their blossoms zapped by a late frost. You can help by planting on a sheltered north-facing slope. Another trick some old-timers used was spreading a layer of compost or horse-manure under the tree in early winter AFTER the ground was frozen. This slows down soil (and root) warm up in spring, consequently also delaying budbreak. We try to help by offering some of the later-blooming varieties. 1.25-2m (4-6') bareroot trees

Growing Tips

Apricot / Peach Growing Tip

One of the key factors that determines cold-hardiness for tender fruit trees such as apricots and peaches is how well they harden off in the fall. Any activity that stimulates growth should be avoided after August 1. This includes fertilizing, overly frequent watering and pruning.
