An 'orchard grade' is a tree that may be somewhat shorter, slightly crooked, or a bit scratched, or for some other reason is not a perfect front lawn specimen. These trees will work just as well in an orchard as a first or number one would, since they still produce the very same fruit.
At Whiffletree we strive to provide the best in super-hardy fruit selections. We've added this robust variety named after Dexter Jackson of Regina SK, who developed it by crossing 'Collett' and 'Mantet'. Not only is it ultra hardy – it is also highly resistant to scab and fire blight. Attractive mid to large size fruit features red streaking over an amber background. 'Dexter' is sweet, fine textured and thin-skinned for pleasurable fresh eating. Very good for cooking and baking. Will store for several months.
Besides selecting the most disease resistant varieties, there are
a few simple things to do to have better apples.