Plums (Prunus spp.)
Plums come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, colours and flavors. They are possibly the easiest stone fruits to grow. Most varieties are
relatively compact with a shrub-like growth pattern. Please note: European and Japanese plums do not cross-pollinate.
American Hybrid Plum - Ideal for harsher climates, these robust hybrids are the result of crossing Asian or Japanese plums with the smaller, hardier wild American plums. Disease resistance is high – black knot is very seldom an issue. Sweet fleshed fruit across the board, although in most varieties the skin is slightly astringent (sour).Pollination is more of a challenge for these plums. Planting several varieties next to each other, in fact, so close that the branches touch, will help. Wild American and Toka are the best pollenizers, so try including one of them. Chums also seem to cross pollinate with the American hybrid plums.
1.25-2m (4-6 ') bareroot trees