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Home » Shop » Trees » Quince and Shipova » Quince : GIANT OF ZAGREB Dwarf (Quince A) (Orchard Grade)

Quince : GIANT OF ZAGREB Dwarf (Quince A) (Orchard Grade)


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An 'orchard grade' is a tree that may be somewhat shorter, slightly crooked, or a bit scratched, or for some other reason is not a perfect front lawn specimen. These trees will work just as well in an orchard as a first or number one would, since they still produce the very same fruit.

Originally from Yugoslavia, Giant of Zagreb has established a solid reputation as the hardiest quince here in Canada. The knobby, pear-shaped fruit is large (obviously) with firm white, highly aromatic flesh. Add some quince to apple pie or sauce for a zesty, pineapple zing. Keeps until Christmas if stored properly in a cool, dry place.
Quince will bruise easily and should be laid out in a single layer, preferably not touching. Their fragrant scent will infuse the whole room.


Product Overview
(Cydonia oblonga) These bright yellow fruits have a unique tangy and tropical taste. The fruit is most commonly cooked or made into jams and jellies. We offer hardy European dwarf trees that are highly ornamental with their masses of white flowers in spring. Some sources claim that these compact trees are more tolerant of wet soils than any other fruit trees. 1.25-2m (4-6 ') bareroot trees


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