Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.) Hazelnuts are currently attracting lots of attention and for good reason. But even without considering the possible confectionery or snack market, this versatile shrubby tree offers multiple possibilities. Since the kernels are high in both oil and protein, they could potentially replace soybeans. Recent research indicates that hazelnuts produced the most oil per acre of any perennial plant. Even hazelnut shells can be used as fuel as they have almost twice the BTU as wood. Hazelnut Varieties (Layers) Hazelnuts are propagated by layering, much like black raspberries. For commercial settings they offer the advantage of genetically-identical trees for predictable ripening and consistent superior nut quality. Bareroot plants

Nut - HAZELNUT 45-100cm (18-36") On Own Root


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A seedling is a tree that has been grown from a seed. Like children, seedlings are each genetically different. They will not be an exact copy of either parent. A seedling often is not true to fruit (meaning that you will not necessarily get the same quality of fruit or nut). Without graft tissue, seedling trees are usually more winter hardy, grow more vigorously and may grow into much larger trees at maturity.
A grafted tree is a tree which has been reproduced to have consistent fruit quality and a controlled tree size (a cutting or bud from the 'Mother tree' is joined to a rootstock). Grafted trees will always be true to fruit producing the same high quality as the superior Mother tree. They will also begin bearing at a younger age and usually remain a more compact tree.

Our superior northern seedlings were selected for their resistance to
disease and their comparable nut quality. With their dense, beautiful
foliage, hazelnut seedlings are especially useful for creating a hedge or windbreak. Mature height 2.5-3.5m (8-12')


G41 Dwarf
G935 Small Semi-Dwarf
G969 Small Semi-Dwarf
G30 Semi-Dwarf
G890 Semi-Dwarf
Pollenator definitions
Some trees and many berry plants are SELF-FERTILE ̶means the insect pollinators or even the wind can pollinate the blossoms without the need of a second tree.
NEEDS A POLLENIZER ̶ means another tree of the same type or kind but a different variety must be blooming nearby at the same time.
EXAMPLE A Liberty apple and a Wealthy apple can cross-pollinate. Two trees of the same variety ie: ̶ 2 Wealthy apples, cannot cross pollinate because they are genetically identical.
Other trees are marked as SEMI-FERTILE. These will set fruit without a second tree. However they will often bear more, and sometimes larger fruit if another variety of the same kind of tree is nearby.
You can select 2 different trees of the same kind marked as NEEDS A POLLENIZER or plant one of those along with one SELF-FERTILE or one SEMI-FERTILE. Also consider ripening times ̶ a Goldrush apple might not start blooming before a Pristine is finished.

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