Cherries (Prunus spp) Cherries have been a popular tree fruit since the days of the Roman Empire. They were brought to North America by both British settlers and Spanish missionaries. These bright, shiny jewels are one of the first fresh fruits of summer whose ripening is eagerly anticipated by both humans and birds! Sour Cherries (Prunus cerasus) Sour cherries (also known as tart cherries or pie cherries) are more cold hardy than sweet cherries. They bloom later and are simply better suited for colder climates than their sweeter cousins. They are also by nature a smaller, compact tree. Although generally quite care-free and disease resistant, sour cherry trees are not immune to black knot. The health benefits of this fruit are well documented. Trouble falling asleep at night? Sour cherries are a good natural source of melatonin. Drinking several glasses of sour cherry juice daily has been shown to reduce the severity of insomnia and improve overall sleep quality and efficiency. In addition to being a natural sleep aid alternative, research also indicates that sour cherries may help promote heart health and reduce inflammation related to arthritis. 1.25-2m (4-6') bareroot tree

Sour Cherry : EVANS Dwarf (Gisela 5)


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Russian heritage tree discovered near Edmonton in 1923, so cold hardiness can be counted on. After renowned plant breeder,
Dr. Ieuan Evans began promoting it in the late 1970s, it eventually became known as the 'Evans' cherry. Amazingly productive English Morello type cherry with dark red rich fruit. Excellent for pies, jams and juices.



G41 Dwarf
G935 Small Semi-Dwarf
G969 Small Semi-Dwarf
G30 Semi-Dwarf
G890 Semi-Dwarf
Pollenator definitions
Some trees and many berry plants are SELF-FERTILE ̶means the insect pollinators or even the wind can pollinate the blossoms without the need of a second tree.
NEEDS A POLLENIZER ̶ means another tree of the same type or kind but a different variety must be blooming nearby at the same time.
EXAMPLE A Liberty apple and a Wealthy apple can cross-pollinate. Two trees of the same variety ie: ̶ 2 Wealthy apples, cannot cross pollinate because they are genetically identical.
Other trees are marked as SEMI-FERTILE. These will set fruit without a second tree. However they will often bear more, and sometimes larger fruit if another variety of the same kind of tree is nearby.
You can select 2 different trees of the same kind marked as NEEDS A POLLENIZER or plant one of those along with one SELF-FERTILE or one SEMI-FERTILE. Also consider ripening times ̶ a Goldrush apple might not start blooming before a Pristine is finished.

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