Grafting enables gardeners to grow their own fruit trees, convert an existing tree to a different variety or even grow multiple varieties on the same tree.
What’s included in the Workshop?
1. Workshop participants will hear about the history and different techniques of grafting fruit trees--cleft grafting, whip and tongue grafting, chip bud grafting, top working a mature tree.
2. You will learn how to select and tend dormant scion wood (a small branch of fruit tree wood) for springtime grafting.
3. Whiffletree will provide 5 apple scions and 5 root stocks of your choice.*
4. You will be taught how to graft your scions onto the rootstocks.
5. Each participant will take home their grafting knife, and 5 grafted fruit trees to plant and enjoy for the years to come.
*Your scion and rootstock choices will be outlined on the informational handout you receive closer to the workshop.
Registration Fee: $150 includes all supplies, tools, and refreshments.